27 Players Remain on ESPN’s WSOP Main Event Coverage


With six tables housing 48 players, the conclusion of Day 7 of the 2010 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event kicked off on ESPN on Tuesday night. You can catch all of the action from poker’s most prestigious tournament weekly at 9:00pm ET, with Lon McEachern and Norman Chad on the call.

Joseph “subiime” Cheong knocked off Evan Lamprea early on to become the Main Event’s new chip leader. Then, Michael “The Grinder” Mizrachi, a Full Tilt Poker pro seated at the feature table, doubled up to 45 big blinds through William Thorson. Mizrachi held A-J in the hand, while Thorson gambled with 10-9 of diamonds. Mizrachi flopped one ace and hit another on the river to take the pot down with trips.

Bluefire Poker instructor Jason Senti moved all-in with A-J on a flop of A-J-6 for top two pair. An opponent called with A-K only to see he was, as Chad would say, “wamboozled;” a running 6-2 gave Senti the double up. The poker veteran moved to 6.2 million in chips as a result, or 75 big blinds.

Two-time bracelet winner Scott “BigRiskky” Clements also trended up the leaderboard on Day 7. Clements, who is primarily known for his prowess in Omaha, drew out on the pocket kings of Ben Statz with A-K after flopping an ace. Clements moved to 4.3 million in chips after the critical double up.

Then, the hand of the day occurred. With nearly 10% of the chips in play up for grabs, Soi Nguyen was all-in with K-J against Theo Jorgensen’s A-3 of clubs on a flop of K-5-9 with two clubs. The turn was a red 10 and the river was an offsuit three to give Nguyen the double up and a massive stack of 19.5 million. Jorgensen saw 80% of his chips evaporate in an instant and Nguyen began calling friends in earnest to share the good news.

John Dolan doubled up through German basketball player Michael Skender, while at the feature table, Hasan Habib tripled up to 1.6 million after his A-K held against A-Q and pocket fours. The flop came ace-high and Habib remained in the hunt for his second WSOP Main Event final table. Habib took fourth in the $10,000 buy-in tournament in 2000 for $326,000.

The second one-hour episode aired at 10:00pm ET on ESPN and began with Brandon Steven recording a double TKO of Jonathan Driscoll and Jacob Toestesen. Driscoll was upset that Steven had started celebrating after flopping the nut flush and chided, “You should gloat more after you win.”

Elsewhere in the Amazon Room at the Rio in Las Vegas, Senti busted Edward Ochana to move to fourth on the leaderboard. At the feature table, Mizrachi was up to his winning ways once again. This time, he turned the nut straight with 9-8 and called the all-in of Corey Emery, who held a set. The board failed to pair on the river and Mizrachi skyrocketed to over seven million.

Senti disposed of Skender after rivering a full house and, in a twist of fate, Jorgensen, a one-time chip leader in the Main Event, busted in 30th place. Jorgensen 3bet all-in with A-K on a flop of A-6-4, all clubs, and John Racener made the call holding top pair and the queen of clubs. The turn was a queen, giving Racener aces-up, and the river blanked out for Jorgensen, who hit the exit.

In the final elimination of the night, Bryn Kenney was ousted at the hands of Pascal LeFrancois to set up Day 8 play. The action will pick back up on ESPN next Tuesday at 9:00pm ET with 27 players remaining. If you miss the first running, ESPN airs reruns throughout the week on its family of networks. Check your local listings for more information.


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