Full Tilt Doubles Poker Championship Continues on GSN


Over the weekend, the Full Tilt Doubles Poker Championship continued on cable station GSN. The series airs at 9:00pm ET on Saturday nights and if you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, the Full Tilt Doubles Poker Championship offers a rare inside look at the world of team poker. Thirty-two players bought in for $50,000 each and are in the midst of vying for a regular season title. At the conclusion of the regular season, the top 16 players will advance to the postseason. Teammates are selected randomly for each of four regular season matches and alternate action on each street.

Mike Matusow and Phil Laak were the first elimination of the first match that aired last Sunday. The two were all-in with K-10 against Howard Lederer and Phil “OMGClayAiken” Galfond’s A-9 of spades. The latter flopped top pair on an ace-high board and Matusow and Laak could not draw out for the win. They finished in fourth place and received no points towards the regular season standings.

Andy Bloch and UB.com pro Annie Duke were the next casualties. Duke moved all-in before the flop with Q-8 and Galfond called for time to consult with her brother, Lederer. Galfond candidly commented, “You’re going to know better than me.” Lederer, Galfond’s partner, advised a call and the better pre-flop hand held up for the win. Bloch and Duke received four points each towards the regular season leaderboard.

Then, Lederer moved all-in pre-flop with J-5 for his last 58,000 in chips and Erick Lindgren called all-in with A-6. Lindgren, who teamed with former World Poker Tour Championship winner David Chiu, watched as Lederer and Galfond spiked an 11-outer on the river to make a straight. Lederer and Galfond each received 20 points for the regular season, while Lindgren and Chiu scooped 11.

In the second match of the one-hour episode, Justin “Boosted J” Smith and Tom “durrrr” Dwan – two high-stakes internet pros – were all-in with Q-8 against David Oppenheim and Gavin Smith’s 9-6 of diamonds. The latter team flopped a pair and, by the river, “Boosted J” and Dwan were looking for a heart, eight, or queen in order to survive. However, the six of clubs hit and the two were relegated to the rails with no points to show for their effort.

Oppenheim and Smith were out in third place after calling all-in before the flop with A-9 of clubs. Annette “Annette_15” Obrestad and Huck Seed held 10-9 of spades in the hand and promptly hit an inside straight draw on the river to send Oppenheim and Smith home. Each received four points for the regular season standings.

After receiving a one-hand penalty for inadvertently talking strategy without cards, Obrestad and Seed righted the ship by knocking out Vivek “Psyduck” Rajkumar and PartyPoker’s Tony G with 10-6 offsuit against pocket eights. A diamond on the river gave Obrestad and Seed a flush and improved Seed to 40 points during the regular season, tops in the field. Rajkumar, Obrestad, Lederer, Galfond, and Lindgren all have 31 points after two matches.

You can catch the Full Tilt Poker Doubles Championship every Saturday on GSN at 9:00pm ET.


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