Mac News and Rumors for December 10th


This week, we have some interesting news coming from the Apple camp regarding new patent applications and other rumblings.  From the poker side of things, we have great news about PokerTracker 3 as well as rumors regarding new VIP programs coming on Full Tilt Poker and PokerStars.

Apple Files Patent for Tamper-Resistant Labels

There were 20 newly released patent applications received by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office from Apple and AppleInsider highlighted two of the most interesting ones.  The ones in the article cover tamper-resistant labels for detecting unauthorized opening of devices and accelerometer-based navigation of menus on Apple’s handheld devices.  This is of interest to most users because it appears that Apple is investing in technologies that could deter customers from voiding their warranty due to misuse of its products.  At the end of the day, if these patents are approved and the technologies are put into the devices, Apple would know if a consumer has hacked a device.

More Lala Fallout for iTunes

The Wall Street Journal is claiming in a recent article that Apple is considering a complete overhaul in the way that iTunes sells and stores its music.  According to “people familiar with the matter,” Apple will use Lala’s resources to develop a streaming media edition of iTunes that would offer music cheaper, but only be accessible through an internet stream.

Shortstackers About to Die at Full Tilt?

At the behest of many of the regulars of full ring games, the official liaison for Full Tilt Poker, FTPDoug, has posted that a solution to shortstackers is coming by the end of 2009.  One of the problems that many people have is that the regular tables are “infested” with players that buy-in for the minimum, double up, and immediately leave.  The games on Full Tilt Poker are to the point where many full ring players, and even six-max regulars, are threatening to leave the site unless something is done immediately.  The incentive for them is that they could move to PokerStars, where more “deep tables” run, and start on a quest to SuperNova status.  There are no confirmed reports or announcements yet, but rumors on the TwoPlusTwo forums will have you believe that all normal tables will be 50-100 big blind buy-in tables, deep tables will be 100-200 buy-ins, and cap tables will allow 20-100 big blind buy-ins so shortstackers have a place to play.

VIP Program Upheavals?

There are rumors that Full Tilt Poker is about to unveil a VIP system similar to the one that currently exists at PokerStars.  The kicker is that this would append the existing Iron Man and rakeback programs at Full Tilt Poker, meaning it would by far surpass anything else that other online poker sites were offering.  In response to that rumor, there are rumblings that PokerStars will then alter its VIP program to make it much easier for players to achieve SuperNova Elite status.  Since the turn of the New Year dictates when new programs are put into place, we’ll be monitoring the situation closely, as we expect to hear news in the back half of December.


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