Mac News and Rumors for January 30th


Once again, our reporters here at were correct when the rumors of an Apple Tablet proved to be true yesterday at Apple’s press conference.  Dubbed the iPad, the new tablet computer will be hitting store shelves in 60 days.  The fallout, as expected, affected stock prices and set off a whole new chain of legal suits.

Fujitsu to Fight over iPad Trademark in the USA

There has been evidence that Apple has been seeking the trademark to the iPad name in many different countries, but it’s of note that Apple had not applied for one in the United States.  The rumor mill says it’s because Fujitsu already holds a claim to that name.  However, is reporting that Apple filed multiple requests to extend the allowable time period for it to oppose Fujitsu’s still-pending trademark application.  It is highly expected that Fujitsu will not go down without a long and well-publicized legal tiff.

Latest Crazy Prop Bet

Many of you are aware of the ridiculous prop bets that dominated the headlines in 2009.  The first was ChicagoJoey’s attempt to play 50,000 hands of $0.10-$0.25 full ring poker in less than 24 hours and show a profit.  Joey pulled off the amazing feat and won tens of thousands of dollars in prop money.  Then, there was Brad Stalcup, who decided to grind non-stop for five months to attain the SuperNova Elite VIP level at PokerStars.  Now, the latest wacky prop bet is coming from a player known as Zachvac on the TwoPlusTwo forums.  His bet is that he can profit $15,000 playing strictly $0.50-$1 No Limit Hold’em on Full Tilt Poker over the course of a month.

Zachvac is getting 3:1 for his money and has taken what is rumored to be $35,000 in action against his own $15,000.  His quest begins on January 29th at Midnight and concludes on February 28th.  He will be logging into a webcam for people to watch him play and have his progress tracked by judges, who will be updating the community through the month.

Full Tilt Poker allows a maximum of 16 tables, but only four Rush Poker tables.  Zachvac has worked a Rush Poker stipulation into the agreement allowing a maximum number of Rush Poker tables combined with regular tables.  This keeps the faith of the bet the same so that he cannot dramatically increase the number of hands he plays per hour thanks to the limitations of the Rush Poker Tables.

According to, Zachvac is a lifetime 3.79 BB/100 winner at Full Tilt Poker playing these stakes.  If we were to assume that he wins at 3.5 BB/100 over the course of the challenge, Zachvac would have to play 214,285 hands during the month.  if he won at 1.5 BB/100 consistently, Zachvac would have to play 500,000 hands of poker in one month in order to win the bet.

Changes Coming to PokerStars?

Now that Full Tilt Poker has changed its buy-in structure and added Rush Poker, the next question the industry has asked is when PokerStars will follow suit.  For now, the world’s largest poker site has been eerily quiet about the issue. ran a report with quotes from two different PokerStars representatives who have said that they are currently looking for what will be in the best interest of their players.

One player we are in contact with sent a private message on the TwoPlusTwo forums to a PokerStars representative and detailed how, as a SuperNova player, he was leaving for Full Tilt Poker because of the site’s anti-shortstacker policies.  In response, the PokerStars rep said, “Thank you for the PM. This is the number 1 topic at PokerStars today. We’ll figure out something.”

FTOPS XV About to Kick Off

We’re just a couple of weeks away from the next Full Tilt Online Poker Series (FTOPS).  All this week, Full Tilt is doing a Double Guarantees promotion.  All guaranteed prize money for every one of the weekly guaranteed tournaments will be doubled. Check out what is sure to be the richest Sunday ever when Double Guarantees Week ends on January 31st.


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