Mac News and Rumors for March 6th


This week, we have a slew of news, notes, and rumors for the entire Mac poker industry.  There was the conclusion of the exciting Zachvac prop bet as well as some news from PokerStars about potential changes.  From Apple’s perspective, there are new lawsuits as well as a noteworthy announcement by Fortune Magazine.

Apple: The World’s Most Admired Company

Call it a three-peat of epic proportions because Apple has, for the third year in a row, been named the World’s Most Admired Company by Fortune Magazine.  This year’s victory was by the widest margin in the poll’s history.  The magazine went on to say that products played a very important part in the process and also ranked Apple #1 in innovation among all companies.

Sony Preparing to Tackle Apple

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sony has plans to develop an entire lineup to compete against the iPad.  On top of that, Sony is also going to develop products that are going to compete with the iPhone and iPod Touch.  According to the report, Sony is targeting 2010 to launch these devices, but pricing and exact specifications are unknown.

Zachvac has a $43,000 Month Playing $0.50-$1 Full Ring Games

As reported at the start of February, Full Tilt Poker player “Zachvac” had a prop bet going on the TwoPlusTwo forums.  Zachvac claimed at the outset of the bet that he could make 150 buy-ins playing only 100nl full ring games in one month.  He got plenty of action at 3:1 odds against and, with one day to spare, Zachvac hit the magic $15,000 profit barrier.  Thanks to the rakeback and prop bet action on top of the table winnings, it is estimated in the thread that he profited over $43,000 for the month of February.  Zachvac played full ring tables and put in sessions exclusively at four Rush Poker tables simultaneously.

PokerStars Announcement Regarding Buy-In Changes

With Full Tilt Poker already enacting buy-in changes to eliminate shortstacking (the practice of buying in for 20 big blinds, shoving all-in or folding, and then ratholing off the table once you’ve won a hand), others are falling in line.  Recently, PartyPoker and Everest Poker announced that they will be following suit in the coming weeks.  PokerStars, the largest site in the world, has been the wildcard in the equation.  With tons of shortstackers at the site, some of them sponsored SuperNova Elite players, they find themselves in a bit of a bind.  Recently on the TwoPlusTwo forums, an official spokesperson for PokerStars announced that the matter is being discussed and put to the private panel of VIPs they have set up.  It was written in the statement that a decision, one way or the other, will be announced in mid-April.


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